Monday, June 13, 2011

Random thoughts

I'm very sorry for the lack of posting around here. I hate when I see other bloggers make excuses for their lack of blogging so I won't do it either. I've already given myself a slap on the hand and promised I will never go 5 days without posting again (unless I'm away.)

A lot has happened here in the Hannon household. Last last week I got my full drivers licence! Meaning I can now drive without a parent in the car with me! Two Sundays a go I was gone for about 2.5 hours with the car, had to buy a curling iron from wal mart, and shorts from old navy and I planned on visiting my grandparents too. It was so awesome! I loved having the windows down and the music blasting. Total freedom! And of course my brother took the car to Indiana for baseball so I have nothing to drive!

I'm getting really excited for school! I know what courses I have to take this year (and the other three years) so that has calmed me down a lot. I'm just so ready for the next new chapter in my life to begin.

Along with school, I found out the best news on Thursday! After I'm done exams my third year (late April) I can do a 6 week placement out of province and/or internationally. I chose (already) to go back to Alberta. I know some people might say "go to Europe!" but I would rather go to Alberta for a few reasons a) 6 week visit with my family! b) I only have to pay for my flight (and a little bit of food money for my aunt/uncle) and c) I don't want to spend half my placement learning how to speak a different language. I am soooo happy and excited to go back! And for 6 weeks! Its a long time but so worth it. Now? I have 6 weeks to meet a cowboy :)

11 months yesterday before my brothers wedding! Can't wait.

I love doing the shred. I lost another 2 pounds this week at weight watchers. I totally credit the shred! Total is 10.2 pounds! Only 9 more before my goal weight :)

I found Sunday at lunch that one of my new neighbours is from the military. He (the dad) was in Afghanistan and now has bought the house across the street from me. It makes me happy to know there will be another veteran on the block. My grandfather was in WW2 and thankfully came home (parlayed on his right side from a bombing ((another post)) and married my grandma and had my dad/aunt.)

I am OBSESSED with country music these days. I have no clue where it came from (maybe it was the fact that it was all I listened too when I was out west) but whatever it is I love it! I recently went on an itunes spree and bought a whole bunch of country music. And yes, my bedroom radio is playing it too! loves it :)

I think that's enough randoms for y'all!
happy Monday :)

1 comment:

Meg said...

I love this post and I love that you will take your 6 weeks in Alberta to meet a cowboy! Great plan girl.

Congrats on getting your unrestricted license--that is so awesome!

Also, way to go with Shred, I need to work out more. Ready, set, go, lol.